VisioMove SDK (iOS)  2.1.22
  1. Package Installation
  2. Configuring the development environment
  3. Installation test

Package Installation

To install VisioMove, simply unzip the VisioMove zip package to your development directory.

Inside your new VisioMove directory, you should find the following directories:

  • doc
  • include
  • lib
  • samples
    • navigationModule

Configuring the development environment


To use VisioMove in your project, you just need to add libVisioMove.a and the include directories to your Xcode project.

In your project settings, set dead code stripping to NO and Compress PNG to NO.

libVisioMove.a is a universal library, which means it contains code for both the iOS Simulator and the iOS Device in the same file.


To use VisioMove in your project, you just need to copy the libVisioMove.jar in your_project_root/libs/ and in in your_project_root/libs/armeabi/

Please be aware of the following restriction on Android:

  • The Android device MUST have an SD card for storing the sample data bundle that will be used by VisioMove. The required free space on the SD card is dependant on the size of the associated data bundle.

Installation test

To verify that VisioMove was installed successfully, open the sample application from the install package and it should build and run successfully on your chosen platform.

Just one last word before you dive into the deep end of the pool, we seriously recommend you take a look at the Under the hood page to gain a deeper understanding of VisioMove and it's usage. If you're going to be doing any development with the VisioMove, then it will be an good investment of your time.

You are now ready to go on your own!!


VisioMove 2.1.22, Visioglobe® 2016