VisioMove SDK (iOS)  2.1.22
VgEAGLView Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for VgEAGLView:
Inheritance graph

Instance Methods

(id) - initWithFrame:
(id) - initWithFrame:pixelFormat:
(id) - initWithFrame:pixelFormat:depthFormat:preserveBackbuffer:
(void) - startAnimation
(void) - renderScene
- Instance Methods inherited from VgEAGLBaseView
(void) - setRenderSuspended:
(BOOL) - getRenderSuspended
(void) - setUpdateSuspended:
(BOOL) - getUpdateSuspended
(UIImage *) - captureToImage
(void) - notifyDidReceiveMemoryWarning
(BOOL) - multisample
(void) - setMultisample:
(BOOL) - preserveBackbuffer
(void) - setPreserveBackbuffer:
(void) - setRenderOnDemand:
(BOOL) - renderOnDemand
(NSInteger) - frameInterval
(void) - setFrameInterval:

Additional Inherited Members

- Properties inherited from VgEAGLBaseView
UIInterfaceOrientation mInterfaceOrientation

Detailed Description

This class wraps the CAEAGLLayer from CoreAnimation into a convenient UIView subclass its superclass VgEAGLBaseView contains most important methods.

The view content is basically an EAGL surface you render your OpenGL scene into.

Method Documentation

- (id) initWithFrame: (CGRect)  frame

Creates a new VgEAGLView and as well as setting itself as the current context. By default multiple touch support on the view is enabled. The default orientation is UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait.

If not stipulated, the following defaults are used; pixel format set to kEAGLColorFormatRGBA8, depth format set to GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16_OES and the preserve back buffer is disabled.
frame- default frame size of the view
A newly initialized VgEAGLView.
- (id) initWithFrame: (CGRect)  frame
pixelFormat: (NSString *)  format 
- (id) initWithFrame: (CGRect)  frame
pixelFormat: (NSString *)  format
depthFormat: (unsigned int)  depth
preserveBackbuffer: (BOOL)  retained 
- (void) renderScene

refreshes the screen.

This function is not generally called by the user, except in cases where they absolutely need the screen to be refreshed, or to trigger a post renderscene callback for example.
- (void) startAnimation

Responsible for creating the VisioMove application. This means it will call VgApplication::VgIApplication::createApplication on your behalf as well as initiating the animation timer responsible for invoking the render scene.

Implements VgEAGLBaseView.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
VisioMove 2.1.22, Visioglobe® 2016