Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
VgEngine::VgAnimationThis interface handles engine animations
VgEngine::VgAnimationChannelsContains literals to identify animation channels
VgEngine::VgAnimationDescriptorThis class implements descriptors for animations
VgEngine::VgAxialRotationQuaternionFunctorDescriptorThis class implements descriptors for axial rotation functors
VgEngine::VgBinaryBufferUsed to manipulate binary data
VgEngine::VgColorThis struct represents a color
VgEngine::VgColorInterpolationFunctorDescriptorThis class implements descriptors for color interpolation functors
VgEngine::VgConstRefPtr< Type >The VgRefPtr class is used to automatically reference and unreference reference counted objects (VgReferenced)
VgEngine::VgDiscreteQuaternionFunctorDescriptorThis class describes a functor for orientations using discrete samples
VgEngine::VgDiscreteVectorFunctorDescriptorThis class describes a functor for positions using discrete samples
VgEAGLBaseViewThis class serves as a base class for VgEAGLView and VgEAGLView2
VgEAGLViewThis class wraps the CAEAGLLayer from CoreAnimation into a convenient UIView subclass its superclass VgEAGLBaseView contains most important methods
VgEAGLView2This class wraps the CAEAGLLayer from CoreAnimation into a convenient UIView subclass
VgEngine::VgFloatInterpolationFunctorDescriptorThis class implements descriptors for float interpolation functors
VgEngine::VgFloatSplineFunctorDescriptorThis class describes a functor that approximates a sequence of floats with a spline
VgEngine::VgFontManagerSet the Font and configures it to render text
VgEngine::VgFunctorDescriptorThis is the super class for all functor descriptor classes in the SDK
VgEngine::VgFunctorDescriptorMapA list of VgFunctorDescriptorMapEntry's
VgEngine::VgFunctorDescriptorMapEntryCreates a mapping between an animation channel and a functor descriptor
VgEngine::VgGeoReferencedSRSThis class implements georeferenced spatial reference systems
Vg3DModule::VgI3DModuleThe VgI3DModule interface provides access to use 3D related features
VgEngine::VgIAnimationCallbackThis class defines the interface for animation call backs
VgEngine::VgIAnimationManagerThis class is a manager for animations
VgApplication::VgIApplicationThe VgIApplication interface provides a corridor to retrieve objects within the Engine layer
VgEngine::VgICameraThis interface is used to retreive and control the camera parameters
Vg3DModule::VgIconMarkerDisplays an icon as a marker of a VgPoint
Vg3DModule::VgIconMarkerDescriptorDescribes an icon marker
VgEngine::VgIDatabaseThe VgIDatabase interface is used to load and select the data that will be displayed in the 3D view
VgEngine::VgIDatabaseDatasetDescriptorThis structure is used to retrieve information about the current dataset
VgEngine::VgIEngineThis interface provides an entry-point to retrieve objects from the Visioglobe engine
VgEngine::VgIEngineContextThis class is used to encapsulate an engine context
VgEngine::VgIEnginePostDrawCallbackThis callback is used to draw some elements on the screen after the 3D view has been drawn
VgApplication::VgIEventThe VgIEvent interface is used to encapsulate user interactions
Vg3DModule::VgIGeometryThe Vg3DModule::VgIGeometry interface is used as an abstraction of geometric features that can be added to or removed from the scene
Vg3DModule::VgIGeometryCallbackThe VgIGeometryCallback interface is used to notify the developer that an event has been triggered on a Geometry
Vg3DModule::VgIGeometryEventThe VgIGeometryEvent interface is used to encapsulate interactions between a user and a Geometry
VgEngine::VgILicenseManagerUsed to manage licensing issues
VgApplication::VgIManipulatorManagerThe VgIManipulatorManager interface is used to choose the way the user will interact with the Open GL surface
VgMapModule::VgIMapModuleThe VgIMapModule defines all the needed interfaces to interact with the map module
VgApplication::VgIModuleThe VgIModule interface allow to use a set of optional and modular features from the Visioglobe SDK
VgApplication::VgIModuleManagerThe VgIModuleManager interface allow to query modules from the Visioglobe SDK
VgNavigationModule::VgINavigationVgINavigation represents a Navigation object
VgNavigationModule::VgINavigationCallbackVgINavigationCallback provides an interface for the Navigation Module to communicate with the navigation request
VgNavigationModule::VgINavigationInstructionThe VgINavigationListener allow users to be notified of Navigation related events that occur within a VgINavigation Object where the listener has been registered
VgNavigationModule::VgINavigationListenerThe VgINavigationListener allow users to be notified of Navigation related events that occur within a VgINavigation Object where the listener has been registered
VgNavigationModule::VgINavigationModuleVgINavigationModule provides access to navigation related objects
VgNavigationModule::VgINavigationRequestVgINavigationRequest provides an interface to allow the route requester to communicate with the navigation module
VgNavigationModule::VgINavigationRequestParametersVgINavigationRequestParameters is used when computing a navigation and provides a mechanism to customise the computed navigation object
VgEngine::VgInstanceFactoryCreates objects from their descriptor
VgMapModule::VgIPlaceDescriptorThe VgIPlaceDescriptor encapsulates information associated with a Place
VgMapModule::VgIPlaceListenerThe VgIPlaceListener allow users to be notified of Place related events that occur within the map module where the listener has been registered
VgEngine::VgIResourceCallbackImplements a behavior triggered when a VgIResourceRequest terminates
VgEngine::VgIResourceManagerManages resources
VgEngine::VgIResourceRequestRequests the reading of a resource
VgRoutingModule::VgIRouteVgIRoute represents a route object
VgRoutingModule::VgIRouteCallbackVgIRouteCallback provides an interface for the route solver to communicate with the route requester
VgRoutingModule::VgIRouteConverterVgIRouteConverter provides a mechanism for converting a VgIRoute into a geometry object(s) displayable by the Vg3DModule
VgRoutingModule::VgIRouteConverterFactoryVgIRouteConverterFactory Provides an interface for creating a VgIRouteConverter
VgRoutingModule::VgIRouteGeometryDescriptorA route geometry descriptor object
VgRoutingModule::VgIRouteRequestVgIRouteRequest provides an interface to allow the route requester to communicate with the route solver
VgRoutingModule::VgIRouteRequestParametersAn object containing parameters to perform a route request
VgRoutingModule::VgIRoutingModuleVgIRoutingModule provides access to routing related objects
VgRoutingModule::VgIRoutingNodeThis class is an opaque pointer class to routing nodes from the routing module
VgRoutingModule::VgIRoutingSolverVgIRoutingSolver will calculate a route between several waypoints
VgApplication::VgISimpleGestureManipulatorListenerListener of simple gestures
VgEngine::VgITextureThe VgITexture interface is used to handle texture in the application
VgEngine::VgITextureManagerUsed to create VgITexture given a VgBinaryBuffer
VgEngine::VgIViewPointThis structure encapsulates a camera's viewpoint parameters
VgEngine::VgLayerThis class exposes the layer concept
VgEngine::VgLayerDescriptorDescribes a layer
VgEngine::VgLayerManagerManages the layers
VgEngine::VgLayoutDescriptorThis abstract class is the base class for all layout descriptors
VgEngine::VgLightThis interface handles light management
Vg3DModule::VgLineA VgLine is created using Vg3DModule::VgInstanceFactory::instantiate
Vg3DModule::VgLineDescriptorA structure which describes the attributes of a Vg3DModule::VgLine
Vg3DModule::VgLinkThis class displays a 'ribbon' that links to positions in the scene
Vg3DModule::VgLinkDescriptorA structure which describes the attributes of a Vg3DModule::VgLink
VgEngine::VgLoopModesContains literals to identify loop modes
VgApplication::VgManipulatorControls the way the user interact with the Open GL surface
Vg3DModule::VgMarkerDisplays a marker on a ponctual position described by a VgPoint
Vg3DModule::VgMarkerDescriptorDescribes a marker
VgEngine::VgMetricSRSThis class implements local metric spatial reference systems
Vg3DModule::VgModelManagerUsed to create 3D models as VgIGeometry instances given a VgBinaryBuffer
VgNavigationModule::VgNearPlaceContains a geographical description of how a place relates to an instruction
VgEngine::VgOrientationThis class describes the 3 values defining a 3D orientation azimuth, pitch, roll
VgMapModule::VgPlaceColorDescriptorThe VgPlaceColorDescriptor encapsulates information associated with a place's color
VgMapModule::VgPlaceIconDescriptorThe VgPlaceIconDescriptor encapsulates information associated with a place icon, where a place icon is a texture associated with a place
Vg3DModule::VgPointThe VgPoint object can be associated with a layer within the 3D view
Vg3DModule::VgPointDescriptorThis structure encapsulates the point description parameters
VgEngine::VgPositionThis struct encapsulates a 3D position
VgEngine::VgPositionToolboxProvides various utility methods for VgEngine::VgPosition
VgEngine::VgQuadtreeLayoutDescriptorThis class is a descriptor for a quadtree based spatial layout
VgEngine::VgQuaternionInterpolationFunctorDescriptorThis class implements descriptors for orientation interpolation functors
VgEngine::VgReferencedOwns the number of references of an object
VgEngine::VgRefPtr< Type >
VgEngine::VgResourceRequestParametersParametrizes a resource request
VgApplication::VgSimpleGestureManipulatorHandles simple gestures
VgApplication::VgSimpleTrackballManipulatorHandles trackball gestures
VgEngine::VgSinusoidalVectorOffsetFunctorDescriptorThis class implements descriptors for sinusoidal animation of vectors
VgEngine::VgSpatialThis class gives access to the spatial aspect of an object (layer, point, etc)
VgEngine::VgSplineOrientationQuaternionFunctorDescriptorThis class is a descriptor for quaternion functors that follow orientation of given spline definitions
VgEngine::VgSplineVectorFunctorDescriptorThis class describes a functor that approximates a sequence of vectors with a spline
VgEngine::VgSRSThis abstract class is the superclass of all concrete SRS classes
Vg3DModule::VgTextMarkerDisplays text as a marker of a VgPoint
Vg3DModule::VgTextMarkerDescriptorDescribes a text marker
VgEngine::VgVectorInterpolationFunctorDescriptorThis class implements descriptors for vector interpolation functors
VisioDevKit 2.0, Visioglobe® 2013